Posts Tagged ‘ Food ’

Elder Austin Fullmer – Merry Christmas

Dear All,

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

We want to let you know that the Fullmer family email has changed to

26 December 2011

Merry Christmas!

I hope your Christmas was really good. I had an amazing time here in Annaberg. Actually, Christmas is still technically going here in Germany. There are three Christmas holidays in Germany; Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and the today, the 26th of December. Christmas Eve is the biggest of the three holidays. For lunch, we went to a younger couple’s home. We ate this soup that is called “Lenz” (I think). Anyway,  it is this delicious soup that is very traditional in Erzgebirge (the mountain region where I am serving). Way good.  For Heiligeabend (Christmas Eve, or Holy Evening), we went to our Bishop’s house for dinner. Their family is really young and way cool; they have three kids. Everything is very traditional in this part of Germany. Sis. Sacher, the Bishop’s wife  put half of a loaf of bread, that we didn’t eat, and some salt, that we didn’t use, on the table. They were supposed to be for good luck. Then she lit a candle and placed some coins underneath, also for good luck, I think. German children get to open all of their presents on Christmas Eve too, so we got to watch all of the Sacher children open up their gifts. It was a really enjoyable evening.

We had transfer calls this week. I am staying in Annaberg. I am pretty excited about that. I like Annaberg a lot. My companion Elder Van Miltenburg got transfered to Delingsdorf which is a part of the city of Hamburg, so he is going up close to my last area. We also got to go to the Temple this week. That seems like forever ago, but I guess it was just about six days ago. It was awesome. The Temple is in my Zone, and so that is why we are allowed to go. It took us about an hour and a half by train to get there. We went as a district, so four Elders. The cool thing was that another district in our Zone ended up going on the same day as us. So I got to see my friend and MTC Companion, Elder Burnett.  We have been able to see each other three times this transfer which has been pretty sweet. We all talk for a while afterwards, took a lot of pictures, and then went and got lunch. While were buying lunch this man came into the tiny little Turkish restaurant dressed like Santa Claus, ordered food, and then gave us some sketchy candy. The crazy thing was that I actually ate the sketchy candy he gave me. I have not died yet, so I suppose that I’ll make it through.

I am really grateful for the Christmas season. It is a really awesome opportunity for us not only to reflect on the Savior’s birth, but also his atonement and death, for that is the reason that he was born in Bethlehem. I know Christ died and suffered for us.

I also got to talk to my family yesterday. It has got to be the coolest thing that has ever happened to me. Honestly, it sort of felt like I was back at the Academy, just calling my parents on a normal Sunday evening. Can’t wait for mother’s day when we get to call again.

We you guys are awesome. Thanks for your support, emails, and prayers. I am thinking and praying for you. Enjoy the rest of Christmas Break.




Elder Austin Fullmer

Elder Austin Fullmer – Der Advent der Wunder

Liebe Familie,

Thanksgiving this week was pretty fun. We had our dinner with the other Missionaries in Schwarzenberg on Monday. Elder Van Miltenburg and I did all of the cooking at our place. We made a chicken, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, cooked carrots, and garlic bread. It was all way good, but none of it taste like it does in America. I had to use a ton of different ingredients. You would be surprised how different a German grocery store is from an American one.

This Christmas Season, our Mission President has come up with a cool event for us to work on. It is called Der Advent der Wunder or The Advent of Miracles. We have this poster in our room that is an Advent Calendar. We have a bunch of ideas that we can do for each week as Advent Gifts. Every morning before we leave our apartment, we say a pray on our knees asking for our Heavenly Father to help us see Miracles.

The Christmas Mart is beautiful. Gorgeous. This Saturday Elder Van Miltenburg and I sang with the choir at the Mart. Good news, it was really good. Bad news, during the duet of The First Noel that Elder Van Miltenburg and I sang, I totally came in wrong. It was sort of embarrassing, but regardless it was way cool to sing. I stood there on the platform (a little German looking house/shed thing) and could see most of the Market and the rest of down town going up the hill. It was too cool. We then went to an old folks home and sang the whole program again. This time our duet was much better, I came in at the right time! Yea! We also sang a second duet at the old folks home, Jingle Bells. Most of the rest of the songs were in German, but our director, Sis. Richter decided that since she had two American Missionaries who could both sing, she gave us the English songs as duets. Good Day.

This week I finished the Book of Mormon. The first time on my mission. Every time you read it different things seem to be emphasized based on your circumstances. I started to read it auf Deutsch. I have gotten through the first 25 pages. I understand a lot of it, but not all. I guess I would say 75%?  Reading is a lot easier for me than listening is. It is interesting to read it in a different language. Again, you get different insights. Some words and verses in German stick out to me more in than they would in English. I would also like to read the Old Testament in German, but that is going to have to wait for a little while. The Bible in German is a much older, harder German to understand, so maybe I will conquer that reading in a couple of months.

So yesterday, was sort of hard. My companion and I walked around Innenstadt (the down town) and did contacting. I tracted into this one guy would just wanted to argue. I understood everything he was saying and his argument, but I got flustered and stumbled over my German. I ended up just giving him a card and told him that the website could explain it better than I could. I was feeling sort of down, so I just sat down on a windowsill in the crowded Innenstadt in the dark (it was night time) and prayed. I asked for strength. Sometimes it is hard to keep going when person and person tells you that you are wrong or they just aren’t interested. I felt the comfort of my Savior and I kept going. We were able to make an appointment that night. I know that we all have challenges, we all have flaws, we all have things we need to work on. It is through the Lord that we can accomplish such things.

You guys are awesome. I hope your Thanksgivings were awesome!




Elder Austin Arthur Fullmer


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Elder Austin Fullmer – Treasure Hunt

Familie und Freunde!

I hope that your week was outstanding! My week started of so much fun. Last Preparation Day, we were asked to help out at a Primary Activity for the kids in the Begedorf Geminde. We went out into the woods with about 8 or 9 kids and three other adults. It was boys against girls. The missionaries took the boy and two of the adult women took the girls. We created a treasure hunt for the other team and hid a box full of unknown stuff. Once we were done we went on a treasure hunt for the other box. Elder Lingard did most of the searching with the older three boy and I followed behind with the three and six year old. They are about my level of German so it was fun to speak with them. One of the moms there usually lives in America, but her husband is in Afghanistan right now, so she spent the last year living here in German near here parents who are the Imbecks. We talked for a while in English about her husband and my dad who are both officers in the Army. It was funny to hear her speak in English. She makes the transition from Native German to Patriotic-Mormon-American Mom really fast.

Better food this week. I had both Schnitzel and Spetzel. My two favorite Deutscher foods.

Yesterday was the tenth anniversary of September Eleventh. I was a good time for me to ponder. I am so grateful to be an American and a member of the Coast Guard. My thought and prayers were with the people that lost family on that day. It is crazy to think that that day was ten years ago. I was a fifth grader in New Baltimore, Michigan on that day. My school went on lock down and I ended up being one of two kids left in the class room by the end of the day. 10 years later I am a 20 year old serving the Lord and learning German very far away from that fifth grade class room.

We continue to look for people who are ready for the Restored Gospel of Jesus Chirst, das Wiederhergestellte Evangelium Jesu Christi. Most people are not. We went on exchanges this week for a day. I went down to Lauenberg which is south of Hamburg and was companions with Elder Colton.

It was a good week. I hope that everyone has success with school, work, and play this week.

auf Wiedersehn,


Elder Austin Arthur Fullmer


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Elder Austin Fullmer – Pig Brains

29 August 2011

Familie und Freunde,

How are you all this week. We had transfer calls this week. They were basically the highlight of my week. My companion and I got on the conference call, turned the speaker phone on, and listened. I had my little green notebook that Tom Cogley and Cate Giguere gave me (which has turned in to a recipe \ address \ quote \ thoughts \ transfer book), and wrote down all the names my Golden group. President Pimentel got on the phone and told us where everyone is going. All of my friends from my Golden group stayed in the same cities with their trainers. That means that I will be in Bergedorf in Hamburg. Way Cool. I am super excited to stay here in Bergedorf because I love the city. I have to admit I was pretty positive that this was going to happen (typically people stay in their Golden city for at least two transfers), but I was still nervous that I might get moved somewhere else. That means if anyone sends letters you can still send it to the Bergedorf address. There is still the chance that I might not get them, because of long mailing times or quick transfers. Mail to the mission office to guaranteed to get to me. Every three weeks or so it might actually be the better way. Being in Bergedorf a second transfer with the same companion means that one of us is going to stay next transfer too. So either I will be here for three tranfers or my companion will be here for four. I do not know what will happen.

This week was pretty white. Which means that your planner day is white with no writing. It was not really white, but we did have a lot of appointments fall out. People have been to busy to meet with us or just do not show up at our appointments. It was a tad bit discouraging, but I found comfort is singing hymns. I hope my companion does not think that I am too crazy, but it helps me keep a good attitude. That is one of my goals while I am here on my mission, to always have a good attitude. Frankly, it you do not love what you are doing what is the point of doing it. I want to be here and I am excited to be here; thus, I always need to have a good attitude!

I want to share a quote that President Pimentel shared with us a couple of weeks ago. I think it particularly applies to everyone at the academy where the ´´vision´´ is often lost. President Thomas S. Monson (who is the president and prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) said, ´´Vision without effort is day dreaming; effort without vision is drudgery; but vision, coupled with effort, will obtain the prize.´´ So often I feel that we are the second part of that quote, or at least I am. I am just running, running, running, busy, busy, busy. I do not take the time to see where I am actually going. Here on the mission my vision is to help people come unto Christ. At the Academy it becoming an officer and graduating. A shorter term vision might just be getting through the current semester. Just food for thought.

Crazy food this week! The movie “The Best Two Years”. I am not sure how many of you have seen it seeing as it is a movie about Mormon Missionaries. If your have not look it up on Netflix. It is actually a lot more like missionary work that I would have guessed. Anyway there is this part where they make the Golden eat this weird fish stuff. He holds it over his mouth and takes a bit. Then proceeds to through it up. Can you say Austin. Our Ward Mission Leader (this guy in our congregation that helps us with missionary work) invited us to his house on Monday for Family Home Evening. My Companion and I, re-acted out that scene and ate that fish stuff. So GROSS, but I am glad I did it. Other stuff I have eating, pig brain (it tastes a lot like bologna) and raw pig meat that you put on sandwich meat. We had that at our Branch President´s house. He is really cool and young, has two children and his wife is really cool too. She made me try it and kept calling it lecker which means delicious. It actually was pretty good.


Good luck with school and work this week.



auf Wiedersehn,



Elder Austin Arthur Fullmer

Elder Austin Fullmer – Sommerfest

15 August 2011

Familie und Freunde,

I loved getting all your emails this week! It really lifts me up to hear from you all. Good news: President Pimentel announced a change in email policy. I am now allowed to email back if I receive an email. That means I can email people everyone back, when in the past I was only allowed to email my direct family. I still can not promise that I will be able to email everyone back every p-day. I only have so much time.

This week was pretty good. We had a lot of success. We challenged three people to baptism and all three agreed. One is a small family. Frau (Ms) Boysen and her son Maurice. They are really nice and absolutely love the missionaries. A little too much almost. They came to church this Sunday which is really good because they can be a little flaky. They really love the geminde (ward in German), which is really good. After a while as missionaries we will be switch to a different area, so we are working really hard are trying to get geminde members to come with us to teach. The other investigator that has a baptismal date is Herr (Mr) Wegner. He is pretty cool, but honestly a little foreboding to me. Not that he is scary, he is just really intelligent and uses a lot of large German words. I can hardly understand normal speakers let alone German intellects. Nevertheless, he is a really cool guy. We meet him at his garden which is really close to the church. It is really beautiful. He has been coming to church for the last three weeks. He is super solid.

Last night we met at a Wohnung Gemindshaft. It is a big apartment in which many people live. This apartment has five people: three young single adults and a young married couple. They are all really solid in their faith. We talked a lot about the Book of Mormon and why we need it in addition to the Bible. They ask a lot of hard questions, but it really shows their genuine interest. On Saturday our ward had their annual Sommerfest. Which is exactly what the name says, a summer party. It was a really great opportunity to talk to and enjoy the company of the ward members. Germans like to have fun and they like to feed me delicious German food. It was awesome.

Last Thursday was probably one of my favorite days since I have been here. We had Zone Conference. It was really awesome. There are eight Zones in my mission and we meet as couples for Zone Conference. I am in the Hamburg Zone, so we met with the Neumünster Zone. It was a really refreshing opportunity. At the MTC you are with a 2500 other missionaries all day every day, but most of the time out here in the field it is just you and your companion. I am the only Golden in the Hamburg Zone, but their are two Goldens in the Neumünster Zone, so I got to see both Elder Turney and Elder Cloward. So cool. President and Sister Pimentel were their and both gave talks. It was really good to see them and feel their love for us. At Zone conference you hear from the assistants to the President, and your zone leaders. Also we have a big lunch. I got to talk with Elder Turney and Elder Cloward during lunch.

I love you all!


auf Wiedersehn,


Elder Austin Arthur Fullmer

Elder Austin Fullmer – Pecan Ketchup

8 August 2011

Family and Friends,

I love you all so much. This computer is making me crazy because the y key and the z key are switched. Silly Germans. I love getting all off you emails. Cori, I loved the pictures and I wish you and everyone else luck in the last parts of swab summer. You will all be great. Melissa, thanks for the update. I too have yet to get the new Death Cab for Cutie CD. Unfortunately it is going to be at least two years before I get it. Think of me when you listen to it. Aunt Sarrah, as always you are the best. Uncle Bill, thank you for your letters too!

So second P-day in Deutschland. It is good. First I want to say Happy Birthday to two very important people: Trenton Fullmer and Cate Giguere. You are both AWESOME and I love you both. I hope you 14th and 20th respectivley are great. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday, Trenton and Cate. Happy Birthday to you. The thing with that song is that it has an unnecessary amount of the letter y in it. I typed z every single time. 🙂

Germany is great. I continue to learn a lot about the language. My favorite day this week was when I got to go on exchanges. My companion is District leader and so the Zone leaders have to do exchanges with us. I went up to the Hamburg area and was companions with Elder Thorley for 24 hours. It was a great experience. It was nice to be companions with someone new for a day. Elder Lingard is great, but he and Elder Thorley have very different priorites. So it was nice to see a different side of Missionary work. Elder Thorley concentrates a lot of finding. You know, just talking to people. I was really nervous when I heard that was what we were doing, but I sort of asked if we could do a lot of finding. Elder Lingard does not really like to talk to people on the street and I get really nervous to speak to people in German. Regardless, long story short, with Elder Lingard I ended up talking to like 30 people. I would be able to start the conversations and then Elder Thorley would finish them. Lets be honest though, most of these conversations were never really long. People are always busy here in Germany.

My compaion is a good guy. He is from Mesa, Arizona. He also is a Marine. Although he only ways like 10 pounds more than I do. He likes to concentrate a lot on teaching and having charity. That is the christ-like attribute is is always trying to work on. I am trying to get him to be more excited about finding and just talking to people. He has been on his mission here in Germany for a year and a half and is 21 next week.

On Saturday we did a lot of service. We went over to woman´s house who just recently lost her husband. Elder Lingard and I picked all the weeds from her Garden. That is sort of generous way to put it. It was not so much a Garden as a bed of weeds! 🙂 It was really great. I am glad that we could help her. Then we went over to the Richter´s home. They are this awesome couple in the ward that are ancient. Brüder Richter looks exactly like Bilbo Bagins from the Lord of the Rings. I might have already told you about them. We go to there home every Mitwoch, Wednesday, for lunch. They are super nice. They have tons of animals and a huge Garden. That is part of what we helped them with. Elder Lingard helped prune bushes and I swept the roof of their green house. Then they made us dinner. Fried egg sandwiches. A little bit of America. Except their ketchup. They have tomato ketchup, but they perfer their own type which they still call ketchup, but is actually made of pecans.

Usually we wake up at 0630. We have time to work out right when we wake up. It was pretty aweful, because I could not stay awake. I realized that if I did a set of push ups right off the bat then I would wake up. Then Elder Lingard and I take turns in the bathroom and eating breakfast. Then we have study time. Personal Study is from 0800 to 0900. Companionship study is from 0900 to 1000. Language study is from 1000 to 1100. I try to take this time really seriously. We try to leave the apartment by 1100. Then we have appoinments during the day. We have an eating appoinment about every other day and atleast one or two investigator appoinments everyday. Which is really nice. We get back to the appartment by 2100 and eat a light dinner, plan for the next day (sort of… Elder Lingard is not a huge fan of this), and get ready for bed. I usually right in my journal and then look up words in my notebook. When I hear a word that people use a lot in conversation that I do not know, I write it down and look it up when I get back to the apartment.

When we first got here in Germany, I recieved a debit card. 175€ are put onto the card at the beginning of each month. This is for food and other missionary needs. Any traveling we have to do (ie: train tickets) we send into the mission home to get reimbersed. It is really nice.

I love you all very much. As always feel free to email me at or check out the blog at Pretty sweet. These emails get posted there.

auf Wiedersehn,

Elder Austin Arthur Fullmer

Elder Tyler Fullmer – He’s wrong about the pizza

So teaching has been way sick. We found a really shickey familia to teach and their story is crazy. They lost their son and a year later the dad gets in a moto (motorcycle) accident and has been in bed rest for a year and a half (included is a 3 month coma) so crazy. They were a investigators suggestion and their a little out of the way but the mom loved our explanation of the plan of salvation and after the lesson of the restoration we got the other son and dad to accept baptism(no date yet). AS weve taught them ive been able to testify about things without knowing they had a question about it. So its been amazing the spirit is very strong when we go there. The mom still has questions but that’s what we are here for.

Rodisio is sick. whether your there for pizza or chorrasco(bbq) nothings better than all you can eat when the waiters bring you the food. So this week we got the pizza place for half price because we had recent converts who bought a promotion. So this week was the first time for pizza in brazil. So much better than home. Plus they bring around many different types of pizza so you’re not stuck with just one and can i say that who in america hasn’t thought of dessert pizza. Can I just say that white chocolate strawberry is the greatest pizza in the world. The sad part is that you don’t eat the crust. It takes too much room. I ate half of mine with the crust and did not have a whole lot of room left. The funny part was that every Brazilian goes through any meal with a knife and a fork, pizza included, so i looked like the one dork not eating that way but it was really funny cause instead of that the guy yells “this kid knows how to eat pizza you must be american” hahaha. Even my comp has been here long enough he doesn’t eat pizza with his hands.

Not much else we had a mission conference. Pres e sis. Queroiz are leaving in a couple of days so the transfer conference was a whole mission affair. So that was a whole lot of people we have around 140 people in the mission right now. It’s a good time to be a missionary. They have made a new mission website that’s gonna be way cool for when i get back home and i can use it all the way. It’s really just a way that sister queroiz can keep an eye on us haha she way funny.

Mail news – I do get your letters and I got the package you sent on june 2nd when we were at the conference which was really nice. My comp thinks the thinks you put in my packages are way cool. He gets a lot of food but not so many of the funny things you send so keep it up mommy. Not to be all ungrateful and stuff but I do need pictures. Everybodys getting a little annoyed with me that I just had those two magnets cause my comp has like 3 albums haha.

I’m getting so fat here mom I don’t know what to do haha and yes its still really cold. Its was cold then 2 weeks ago warm and sunny, last weeks warmish and rainy, now its way cold buts clear skies and really windy. Everybody is getting sick cause its changing so much here. People are talking possibility of snow. What the heck this is Brazil!

Anyways that’s way cool to hear that Connor loved that part of girls camp. It’s always really exciting getting into a house and teaching the people. Its even better because our president implemented a new technique well [actually] two. One is that we use a flippy (flip chart or pictures) so that when we teach people actually pay attention to us and that helps especially in the first vision. The coolest thing is the blessings we give to people. In Luke 10 it talks about the Seventy [who] were sent out and told to bless the houses they entered with peace, heal, and preach the gospel  [and] President wondered why we didn’t do that and how none of the missions he had been in did that, so [now] we do. The first time you go to a house most of the time we talk to them and then tell them about our authority (I have to get a line of authority mom please) and we ask them what they would ask of Christ and then we bless the house. I’ve seen miracles through this. Families literally brought together through this effort.

I want you guys to know i’ll be praying for you and grandpa. I know that all us (me included) wish we could lay our hands on him and heal him instantly. Which as i’ve learned and seen happens but under the Lord’s direction. I wish grandpa could have that same blessing, who knows maybe he will. The greatest gift on this earth is the fact that we have the power to lay our hands and call down the powers of heaven for people. The second is our temples. I can’t tell you how many times we’ve talked about temples with people and they have got wide eyed and asked how they can have that. Now a lot of them don’t follow up on the things that we need to do but I have no doubt in my mind whatever happens to grandpa we will be a family forever and we will have that because of those very temples that we have a hard times getting to. I miss going once a week, [it’s] hard knowing I won’t ever got again in Brazil. I love you guys this gospel is true and we will all be together if we follow our Heavenly Father’s laws. These laws only make us happier that is one thing that is very clear in Brazil. I love you guys and I hope your call does not come soon.

Elder Fullmer

Elder Tyler Fullmer – Presents

Hey guys so a lot happened in the world of food this week. We’re going to a rodisio pizza place this Friday with a recent convert couple. They are way cool and were excited for that. The wife(the two in the picture I sent like two weeks ago)made us this avocado smoothie, more like shake, which sounds really bad, but was so good. I can’t tell you. Oh so many fruit that we never eat because people don’t eat it for lunch I guess.

Well the letters you’ve sent to the house have been coming now, so you’re good. The package came to floripa a couple weeks ago but I just got it last week because my comp is a new zone leader and went to a conference, so we got our packages.

First I’ll explain the pictures. The 4 of us and the kid is of a new missionary. He’s going to the north. So the box is the present we gave him. In Brazil you bring presents to a party like that. So just so you know a deodorant you just sent and a white shirt(one I hadn’t worn yet) went to him cause he really needs it. I just thought you should know this stuff doesn’t help just me. His moms such an alcoholic that people who don’t know her think she’s mentally handicapped.  That’s how little she functions.

Thanks for all you guys send to me. The drink packages are going to help and I already ate all of the food, so thank you so much.

The work here is going really well and its getting faster. Last Thursday I had to lead a missionary around my area because his comp and my comp had to go to the conference. His comp was the old ZL and mine is the new one. The cool thing is that we did so much and I knew where to go and who to teach. It felt really good and I set up a lot of times to come back to people.

Cool to hear that Scotty finally is getting to the temple, but way sad about grandpa. Keep me in the loop. I won’t worry, but just let me know what happens.

So I love you all I’ll write you next week.

elder fullmer

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Elder Tyler Fullmer – Beans, beans, the magical fruit

Ok so im trying more pics I don’t know why it didn’t work.  Anyway, this week has gone ok. We have a baptismal date for the 4th but……….she didn’t come to church so now we have to push it back. I mean she prayed about the Book of Mormon and said she saw a ball of light and heard that the church was true, I mean how much more does she need.  Except she does have a coffee problem. So there’s her, and we had three other investigators  at church and the mom of the two daughters met her old bible study friend who is now the wife of the 1st counselor in the stake presidency, so that was a blessing. Who knows what will happen with that, but we can hope. The member seems like she knows what we need help wise, so that should be good.

I’m sure dad wouldn’t tell you I mean, come on its dad. He won’t tell you anything.

***I was telling him in my email that we now have to open the second overflow on Sunday’s to fit everyone and it seems like we should be splitting the ward, but that if Bill knows, he’s not saying  🙂  ***

I figured the pictures out so that’s helpful.  Yeah life is good here, but our area is huge. So big we can’t get to barely any of it. Food is great as always and I’m always eating beans haha.

Sorry about not getting the address to you, but we’re in the middle of some emergency transfers and I don’t know who’s going yet. This mission has had some problems with rules. So letters sent to the mission home I get not very often, but until things get figured out it’ll have to do.
Elder Fullmer

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Elder Tyler Fullmer – Arrival at Criciúma

I got sent to Criciúma and its way nice here. I love it. I’m going to try to send pictures in a separate email. I haven’t had time to take some here, but I’ll send some I took from the CTM.

The only letters I’ve gotten here so far were ones that got sent to Provo after I left. They got sent on to the mission, not the CTM… haha… so I got a couple old ones and no packages have made it through yet.

I’m Really glad I did not get sent to Floripa. They call my Zone the pit, says my comp, but the area is one of the best in the mission. Sadly yes, my mission president is going to change in a couple of weeks, but he’s been good and the mission has been improving massively. He’s also close to having to shut his job down. It’s gone down the toilet since he’s been on his mission. So that’s kind of sad, but you can really see that they love the missionaries they work with. We’re all going to miss them.

Well I had my first lesson a couple days ago and not much to say there, because I didn’t say a word.  I had my First ward activity and that was way cool. Broke my shoes in playing soccer, and no shock, was being beaten by 12 year olds. We had some good old fashioned churasco(bbq) I hope that’s how you spell it.  It was way good.

We haven’t had too many investigators lately.   They, the previous elders(and my comp admits it), focused a little too much on four people that were close to baptism, and they were baptized.  We have been working hard to find new investigators though.

Yesterday was interesting. It was the 50th anniversary of the church here, so the two wards had a special meeting.  Oh there’s 2 areas and 6 missionaries( 4 elders in my area and 2 sisters in the rich part). It was cool, I didn’t get a whole lot out from it, but it was cool to see. Then we had lunch, which is a topic of interest.  We have very small breakfasts, huge lunches, and no dinner, but we have a snack at like 930 or 10pm when we get back. The members do a lot for us and we do eat a lot. They say we never eat dinner, but members feed us, or investigators feed us, so we do get a lot of food.   Its always really good.

So we taught a lesson to a inactive family. We got invited over for cake and my comp started in about the sacrifices of the early members in Criciúma and moved into Joseph Smith and the early members, and that temples are so important.  He put in a DVD clip from “The prophet of the restoration”, great movie, and at that point one of the daughters started getting teary and I knew I had to think of something and prayed for the spirit. Well, the movie got done and I know I’ve got to say something, so I break out D&C 124:135 I believe, where it mentions David Fullmer, and talked about the early church, our family, and temples. Which in and of itself is not crazy, but I was near tears, half the family was crying, and I didn’t stutter, I spoke correctly and without mistake. I can’t do it now and the only explanation was that the spirit gave me what I needed to say.

And so here I am on a computer in a lanhouse(an internet cafe without food) telling you that it’s all good here. I know I’m out doing God’s work no matter how many people look at me like I’m crazy.

I love you guys, I’ll email you next week, bye.

Elder Fullmer

So he did send pictures, but in a weird nonformat.  Sooooooo…..still no pics.  I emailed back that he needs to send them again, but he needs to upload them in jpeg.  It’s killing me to have NO pictures.  Sigh!