Posts Tagged ‘ Choir ’

Elder Austin Fullmer – Der Advent der Wunder

Liebe Familie,

Thanksgiving this week was pretty fun. We had our dinner with the other Missionaries in Schwarzenberg on Monday. Elder Van Miltenburg and I did all of the cooking at our place. We made a chicken, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, cooked carrots, and garlic bread. It was all way good, but none of it taste like it does in America. I had to use a ton of different ingredients. You would be surprised how different a German grocery store is from an American one.

This Christmas Season, our Mission President has come up with a cool event for us to work on. It is called Der Advent der Wunder or The Advent of Miracles. We have this poster in our room that is an Advent Calendar. We have a bunch of ideas that we can do for each week as Advent Gifts. Every morning before we leave our apartment, we say a pray on our knees asking for our Heavenly Father to help us see Miracles.

The Christmas Mart is beautiful. Gorgeous. This Saturday Elder Van Miltenburg and I sang with the choir at the Mart. Good news, it was really good. Bad news, during the duet of The First Noel that Elder Van Miltenburg and I sang, I totally came in wrong. It was sort of embarrassing, but regardless it was way cool to sing. I stood there on the platform (a little German looking house/shed thing) and could see most of the Market and the rest of down town going up the hill. It was too cool. We then went to an old folks home and sang the whole program again. This time our duet was much better, I came in at the right time! Yea! We also sang a second duet at the old folks home, Jingle Bells. Most of the rest of the songs were in German, but our director, Sis. Richter decided that since she had two American Missionaries who could both sing, she gave us the English songs as duets. Good Day.

This week I finished the Book of Mormon. The first time on my mission. Every time you read it different things seem to be emphasized based on your circumstances. I started to read it auf Deutsch. I have gotten through the first 25 pages. I understand a lot of it, but not all. I guess I would say 75%?  Reading is a lot easier for me than listening is. It is interesting to read it in a different language. Again, you get different insights. Some words and verses in German stick out to me more in than they would in English. I would also like to read the Old Testament in German, but that is going to have to wait for a little while. The Bible in German is a much older, harder German to understand, so maybe I will conquer that reading in a couple of months.

So yesterday, was sort of hard. My companion and I walked around Innenstadt (the down town) and did contacting. I tracted into this one guy would just wanted to argue. I understood everything he was saying and his argument, but I got flustered and stumbled over my German. I ended up just giving him a card and told him that the website could explain it better than I could. I was feeling sort of down, so I just sat down on a windowsill in the crowded Innenstadt in the dark (it was night time) and prayed. I asked for strength. Sometimes it is hard to keep going when person and person tells you that you are wrong or they just aren’t interested. I felt the comfort of my Savior and I kept going. We were able to make an appointment that night. I know that we all have challenges, we all have flaws, we all have things we need to work on. It is through the Lord that we can accomplish such things.

You guys are awesome. I hope your Thanksgivings were awesome!




Elder Austin Arthur Fullmer


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Elder Tyler Fullmer – Two is nice, three is great

So it’s been going really well. We just got back from the temple and we did initiatory and that was really cool. I’m glad we went and did it. It was neat because I didn’t remember what is said at all. Plus we always eat there in the morning so today has been a really good day today. I’m in a trio now.  The third elders name is Elder Malloy. He’s pretty cool and seems to know a lot.

Well my funny story is that we were having companion time and one of my companions started telling me that he had been praying to love me, but had not been able to and the reason was because I am not humble and have no humility. So needless to say when he started Elder Malloy looked really scared like I was going to blow up and take out our other comp, but I’m proud to say that I just sat there took it and now have something to reflect on. Now we’ll see if I can change his opinion, not that he doesn’t think I’m a cool guy and am a good comp but I guess I’m not spiritually humble….I guess.

Well thank you so much for all the packages and letters. I get a letter almost every day. Which is really nice and I love hearing everything that is going on.

My lessons are going great and our teaching is getting better and better. We went to something called the TE, pretty much just a place to get tutored, on how we could be more unified teachers and I must say it really helped. Our district has been reduced from 13 to 6,  3 guys and 3 girls, and it seems so small and empty.

So most of our classes are going mutio bem. O evagelho de jesus cristo é verdage. O livro de mormon cetém o pletituge é verdage. Eu sei que jesus cristo é o filho de deus e ele expiacão por meu pecoas(that worked in my head and who knows if I spelled it right).

The firesides here are pretty awesome. We haven’t heard from one of the twelve yet, but all of the speakers have been great. I sang in the choir and am now rocking the part, too bad I can’t send pics through the email.   I have my first haircut today so ill have to let you know how that goes so you can let Leisa know.

I miss you guys.

Pai,  I met a Thai speaker the other day and he was impressed when I said hello to him so your mini lessons came in handy.  I hope your hand is better. I’m praying for you guys and I’ll try and get a letter out today.


Elder Fullmer

Ty’s email – 3/25/11

Sweet I’m really glad you guys got it and I got all your stuff Thank you so much.

Oh and 4 people from my district have got visas and many more in other districts. So I’m hoping that the Fullmer name will be called from the speaker in the sky. There is an intercom system that they have installed and so that’s how we find out. It seems like if pattern follows I’ll be next, so keep me in your prayers.

My days here are pretty regimented. We wake up around sixish and get ready, whether that’s to gym or class, then we have breakfast. Its kinda hard to give you my exact schedule because it changes. but we have two teachers that each come once a day and if they are not in teaching, we are not in gym, or eating then its personal or comp study.

All my room mates loved your box by the way.

So my teachers are really great and we go to a place called the TRC where we contact and teach in Portuguese. You guys are the only ones that have sent letters so far.

I do love it here, I sang in the choir for the last fireside, crazy right. We sang “Be still my soul” and I really did enjoy it so its kinda weird that I did.

Its really strict but it’s really nice and the firesides are great we just had Elder Costa come and it was way cool, that’s the one I was in the choir for.

We went to the temple today and one of the sisters in the district just happened to be in the same session as her mom, who just happened to go on our day, and she just happened to see her friends on our temple walk last Sunday. Other than that it’s amazing.

From the time we got into the temple and out it had started snowing and got a couple inches on the ground. Sundays are nice and relaxed but still way cool. We have to prepare a talk every Sunday even though we might not give it, and starting our second week it’s all in your mission language. Good thing the next 2 weeks are fast Sunday and conference.
Well love you all.
Eu sei que o Livro de Mormon e verdaje e Jesus Critso e o fihlo de deus e meu redentor.

I miss you guys and I love you if I get my visa than ill be calling you guys so if a way random number comes up it might be me.

Elder Fullmer