Posts Tagged ‘ Companion ’

Elder Tyler Fullmer – Chicken hearts… it’s what’s for dinner

So we do eat a lot of Brazilian type food here at the CTM and its not very good, says our teachers and I have to agree.  Irmao Bonifacio took us out, well showed us and we payed, to a Brazilian bbq and it was so good. I’m still full from all the food. I ate chicken heart and wild boar today for the first time and Irmao said that there are certain ones down south that sell ostrich and alligator.

Speaking of need,  I want you to send me my Timbers scarf, cause the Brazilians’ here don’t understand what it really is, and then they see a picture and freak out. Haha. So that should come in the next pkg please…. oh and how much is on my card cause yes we shop and send things outside of the CTM on p-days.

I loved my Easter goodies and good to know it takes 3 weeks, but that kinda sucks.

So we went out just right outside the CTM and just talk to people. We had an hour to walk around and just talk to everyone. Either this week or next week we go out to the full on city and do the same thing. We have a good area that we can just walk around and see the people and buy things.

My days are: 6am wake up, 7am study, 8am breakfast, 830am class, 1230 lunch, 1330 study, 1530 gym, 1700 dinner, 1800 class, sleep 2230. And we do that everyday, except Sunday.  Sundays are the same schedule as home, and then we have devotionals domingo and Tuesday.

Yes I am writing a journal,  but nobody is reading them till I’m dead.  I’m pretty sure i reanswer a lot of questions in these emails, but oh well.

My comp doesn’t leave early anymore, but we don’t know if he´ll still be my comp they might switch people around.

So I don’t go though the temple in Portuguese,  I know that’ll disappoint dad.  We do it in English and guess what. I was reading out of genesis and  6 pages fell out of the binding I was so mad.

Your Easter stuff was well appreciated.  That tie was pretty amazing.

Oh, i forgot  to tell you, every house has a fence with spikes and we have like 8 guards here, haha, so I’m safe…. and just a fun fact,  I’ve gained 10 to 15 pounds haha.

You guys need to tell me more about people from home. I miss getting news from you guys.

From Elder Fullmer

**Karli’s note***

He’s killing me…I keep asking  asking if he’s getting our letters, and if so getting them daily or in big lumps. He mentioned at some point that he had gotten some letters, but between the three of us here, we send a letter every single day.  The thought that he’s not getting them is making me crazy….sigh.  Oh and I told him I think it will take 3months to get packages down to him not 3 weeks….we just sent our first package off, I’ll send another next month sometime.  I figure he’ll have to hang on a few months but then he’ll get one once a month or so.  We did finally get the first letter he sent from Brazil with his box # etc…so check back for the updated address….Clifford will be updating it since I can’t seem to figure it out.